OK- When first came to Japan was a chubby fucker, post break-up, pre-Japan nerves, whatever. I then proceeded to go from chubby fucker to porky fucking fat blimp with lots of fast food, copious ampounts of alcohol and zero exercise, as in the most I got was raising my arm to order another beer. Even then, I perfected the art of a loud, positive "summimaseeeeeennnnn" pretty quickly.
These next shots are my after effort from losing weight the 1st time around. This is also when I met hubby, hence our fresh-faced, 'love-love' faces in the photos. I think I may have stayed pretty thin then if it hadn't been for getting pregnant. Damn babies!
I lost weight the first time around the natural way, lots of running, (I was training for my first ever 10km run) cycling about 5kms a day, (and collapsing in Summer because of it!) skipping lunch and drinking lots of green tea. It was hard but once I was in to it I quite enjoyed the control I had.

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